Comparison of the quality of executives in two populations on the assumption that

a) all people within one population have the same education, development and career development opportunities and

b) in another population only half of people are able to benefit from the education, development and career advancement system and the other half is excluded from this system.


We are assuming that each population in our model consists of 20 people and 25% of all people occupy executive positions.


Let us start with the population in which only half of the people can benefit from the education, development and career advancement system. The other half is excluded from this system.

As only half of the people (=10 people) can benefit from the system, the following qualities result on completion of the measures taking into account the personal capabilities of the individuals in this group:

1 person – quality 10 (this is the super brain)
1 person – quality 9
1 person – quality 8
1 person – quality 7
1 person – quality 6
1 person – quality 5
1 person – quality 4
1 person – quality 3
1 person – quality 2
1 person – quality 1 (this person failed to learn adequately despite the favourable conditions)

In the other half that was excluded from the system, all ten people have a quality of 1.

As described above, 25% of all people occupy executive positions.

Because our population consists of 20 people, the best five people occupy executive positions.

In this case these are the following:

1 person – quality 10
1 person – quality 9
1 person – quality 8
1 person – quality 7
1 person – quality 6

Thus, in the population in which half of people are excluded form the education, development and career advancement system, the executives have an average quality of 8.0.


Let us now continue with the population in which all people have the same education, development and career advancement opportunities so that no one is excluded from this system.

On completion of the measures, and taking into account the individuals’ personal capabilities, the following qualities result:

2 people – each of quality 10 (these are our super brains)
2 people – each of quality 9
2 people – each of quality 8
2 people – each of quality 7
2 people – each of quality 6
2 people – each of quality 5
2 people – each of quality 4
2 people – each of quality 3
2 people – each of quality 2
2 people – each of quality 1

As described above, 25% of all people occupy executive positions.

Because our population consists of 20 people, the best five people occupy executive positions.

In this case these are the following:

2 people – each of quality 10
2 people – each of quality 9
1 person – quality 8

Thus, in the population in which all people have the same education, development and career advancement opportunities and no one is excluded from this system, the executives have an average quality of 9.2.


It is clear that the quality of executives (whether in politics, the economy, education, the health system and so on) has a direct effect on the strength of the population.

Therefore, with an average executive quality of 9.2, the population that gives all people the same education, development and career advancement opportunities has a clear advantage over the other population that excludes half of the people from the aforementioned opportunities and thus achieves an average executive quality of 8.0.

The picture is also clear even when we consider the average qualities of all people within the two populations:

a) population in which all people have the same opportunities: average quality = 5.5
b) population in which half of the people are excluded from the opportunities: average quality = 3.25

(That in turn is significant for issues including research and development, suggestions for improvement, business ideas and ideas for more effective working, language, communication, learning methods and much more.)

For this reason it is important for a population to offer all people the same education, development and career advancement opportunities.

This means that all people (if they so wish) can acquire, implement and pass on extensive knowledge.

One outcome of this is a more effective and sustainable economic performance, higher productivity, better infrastructure, better politics, increased protection of the natural world and the environment, better health, better food supply, a higher quality of living and not least also greater mutual respect and esteem amongst people due to the performance achieved by each individual.

This benefits not only the society as a whole, but also each and every individual.


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